Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The pregnant life

Hi this is me of late... T-shirts and stretchy pants ! I am PREGNANT! Wait . What !? Cody and I have wanted a baby for a while as most of you already know this but just when we started not to care and didn't really think the word "baby" fit into our life right now ... BAM positive pregnancy test! I'm not going to lie pregnancy has been rough, iv been a little detached from social media lately because all of this pregnancy life. I have been unmotivated, tired, pissed off, happiest iv ever been to mad and completely sobbing out of nowhere ! Let me tell ya pregnancy is wack and it makes you feel like a mental patient ! Yesterday we went and had our first doctor apt. and saw the baby in the ultrasound moving like crazy ! The legs were kicking and he or she had his hands up by his or hers mouth it was crazy to see, totally does not seem real still I think I might still be in denial... 


1. Pancakes
2. Pasta
4.Anthing carbs

Iv been bummed about these cravings because I was planning on being mrs. healthy and eating salads for lunch and cooking healthy dinners. Nope hasn't happened for one second I hope this passes soon though! I do not want to be a carless person that gains 60 pounds because they eat whatever they want I want to be healthy and happy with my body but I guess at this point it just doesn't matter! ha Im trying to make a healthier dinner every night so I guess that balances out something ... right ??
Hopefully after this first trimester I can be a little healthier. Hopefully, I'm not making any promises.


If any of you have seen the movie Inside out you know what I'm talking about but I feel like all those people are equally running my life, like I said happy one moment then sad then angry then happy again then pissed off at anyone that decides to make me angry in that moment to loving everyone in the entire FRICKEN world!! Clearly iv lost it and feel like iv lost a little of who I am. I feel that I need to play the mom role now. I feel like I need to go to bed early, well thats also because I get nauseous if I don't get enough sleep. I feel like I also need to dress different! "Moms don't dress like this!" I think its just the pregnancy but who cares.. see I'm crazy ! 

so thats me lately.

Friday, April 24, 2015


I havnt been here in a while so hello blogger friends . I am super personal on my blog because it's kind of an escape for me, a place where I can just type my guts out of EVERYTHING I'm feeing even if it doesn't make sense or If I have super sucky writing skills but I don't care. The latest on Cody and I has been a little crazy more crazy then normal, but what's new our life is always crazy! Cody and I were called by Codys aunt and asked us if we would adopt a baby! I feel like this is kinda like woah for most of you guys thinking oh my hell what are you guys doin !? I know I know well here's the story so it was offered to us as just as an idea you guys just think about it and when Cody got off the phone with his aunt me and him just started bawling for some reason like uncontrollably ! The funny thing is is that we made a vision bored a few days before this happened to us and a picture we put on the vision bored was a baby ! Crazy right !? Oh and those of you that don't know what a vision bored is , it's a bored where you print out or cut out pics from a magazine of things or you want to achieve or get in your life and you look at them on the board every day in hopes for them to come true . It's like a positive thinking thing and it usually works it's amazing ! Anyways  back to us sobbing we looked at each other getting ourselves together thinking how crazy it was but how right it felt to us to move forward with the adoption. The next day we were calling people and getting everything we needed to get done for this adoption because we were adopting a baby in 15 days !! It's crazy over the short period of time we were going through this I was so unbelievebly stressed out but so in love with Cody it was weird I was crying one moment cause I was scared and then I was squsihing the crap out of Cody cause I was so excited about this baby! The next hard part about all this is that the mother lived in Gutamala and we had to fly her out here and she was only going to stay here for 15 days and then go back to her country after leaving her baby boy with us ! She applied for her visa at the worst time in the word because it was right around Easter time and Easter is taken very seriously down in Guatemala they close down every single thing there except hospitals so not getting ahold of them for four days was the scariest thing because they don't have Internet service in thre home and we had to email the whole time and when everything is closed down there's no emailsa ... So we were so stressed over those four days getting closer and closer to her due date April 16 and we were in a crunch getting her down here and hoping she didn't have her baby yet , ugh it was a mess . Monday after Easter they went to the US embassy which is a mess to get through down there and so hard to get into and make appointments, but the mother of this girl was telling us it was easier then we thought getting the visa because I guess people from Gutemala come here to Utah a lot. We waited all Monday for an email wondering where they where, what has happened, had anything changed , did they change there minds??? Meanwhile we had a quick business trip to Tony Hawks house the whole day we were waiting for this email or phone call or what we didn't know and so we went to bed that night scared and hoping to get an email in the morning. Tuesday morning we get an email telling us they went to the U.S. embassy and they said it would take 3 months for the visa to process and they were so sorry all the trouble they put us through but it would be impossible obviously at that point . I wish we could have just gone down there and still picked the baby up but they shut the adoption agency down there so we legally couldn't even take him out of the country. He was born today and he's absolutely beautiful! I few like I love him ...? Is that weird I was preparing myself to be his mom and I already loved him so much ! His mom dropped out of highschool and is now taking care of the baby I think this family will always have a piece in my heart .

Friday, November 14, 2014

life isnt always as it seems

Life isn't always what it seems. I think we all know this but with some people you just think there life is just perfect and are happy and nothing ever goes wrong in there lives but guess what! My life isn't perfect and I have had a really rough go these last four months! I usually don't like to complain or tell complete strangers if im not doing good but I feel like it helps people sometimes to hear that other peoples lives aren't always as perfect as it may seem .

All my life I have struggled with stomach problems and it sucks ! I have an extended colon kind of weird but its twice as long as everyone else's. Which means my stomach pinches off and blows up like a balloon if I eat something that upsets it or I feel nauseas all the time or my stomach is just super uncomfortable! Its really fun but about four months my stomach issues flared up 1000 times worse then ever and I battle with it every day... but I keep waking up and acting like nothings wrong and keep on keepin on I guess but its hard.  I lost about 15 pounds even this round of stomach problems because sometimes it hurts my stomach to even digest things. I know super stupid right!? Anyways I gotten some things to help my stomach out a little better but im surviving  I guess! To make matters worse my dream has been to travel with my husband on all his trips repairing water wells for people in need, but with all of these lovely things going on with my body I haven't been able to join him ! Its so stupid but as I get better hopefully I can go with him!

Marriage... kind of a bit nervous opening up about this because I never do but can I just say marriage is soooo stinken hard! I have been one that has defiantly struggled with it. I have been married for over a year now and I know people say first years the hardest but seriously it was very very hard we almost got a divorce through out these last four months! I hate saying that but its true and Im sure many of you don't believe it because we are best friends why the heck would we get divorced well LIFE is what happened! I have had my stomach problems come up again iv had two miscarriages we both lost our jobs at the beginning of the year and life is just hard and to deal with another person and all is just tough! We started going to a therapist and I am the first to say I am not ashamed of it! Therapists really do help I think and its helped a lot in our marriage. If any of you have any tips feel free to comment! I think what's helped us though is being honest not being so sensitive and trying to think about the other person more. My life is far from perfect and my life isn't all happy and sunflowers but here I am real as I can be. I also write things like this not just for my blog but its kind of a journal for me so sorry but not really this is me and my life. The end of my sob story ha ha it helps sometimes to just word vomit !

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Home sick

Weeeell I never thought id be saying this but yes I am home sick. I am originally from AZ now living in UT. All of my family lives in AZ other then one of my uncles who lives her in UT with me which is nice but sometimes you just need your damn family! I miss my mom my dad my grandparents and just friends back home. I know i'm not far but sometimes I feel like I live in another world and so far from some of the people I love most. I mean seriously think if a bomb went off right now at this second I wouldn't be able to run to my family's house because here so far away ! :(

I miss being able to sit with my mom for hours and talking to her .

I miss the warm weather ... because its so mother effin cold here !

I miss having my dad around and his warm hugs.

I miss seeing the friends I grew up with.

I miss laying out by the pool.

I miss HOME!

I know right now I seem like a big baby ! I have not been homesick once for three years but now I finally am I really really miss home any advice to feel a little better?

how can I be complaining when my beautiful home looks like this!? but I still miss AZ :(

Sunday, August 3, 2014

H20 Run in Memory of Ollie

This right here is my sweet sister Tiffany and her son, my nephew Ollie. Two years ago we had a tragedy happen to our family we lost our little Ollie.

So in memory of our sweet Ollie we are holding a 5K run for him.The H2o Run was started in honor of 2 year old, Ollie Kai Hebb, who tragically drowned and fell into the washing machine while helping his mom with laundry.  His mom has been trying to bring awareness to the washing machine as well as water in general. She has teamed up with several other families for the race to bring even more awareness to water safety. This is a great run for all ages and ability levels.

Its August 23, 2014 @10am 

SO please sign up and join our race here @ 

Thank You

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Haiti edit

I'm so proud of my husband for making this beautiful edit  his brother josh is the one your going to see most in this edit ! Enjoy

Friday, July 11, 2014

Behind the new blog name Megla Blonde

As most of you know I have a crazy weird obsession with the Megladon which is the prehistoric Great White shark thats like ten times the size of a regular Great White. They say there is a 20% chance that there might be a few of these still in the ocean... in my dreams ! because they still haven't found one yet. Anyways I'm obsessed with these creatures and there the biggest and baddest animal in the world!  So I thought the blog name Megla Blonde would be juuust fitting for me ! 

This is one of there fricken teeth! 

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